Saturday, November 2, 2013

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Disney princesses with normal eyes

Disney princesses are often children’s first encounter with the ideals of beauty in our society.
Many parents would likely not protest this phenomenon, since Ariel, Jasmine, or Pocahontas are often seen as arguably better models for children than say, Miley Cyrus or Lindsay Lohan.

Disney princesses are commonly portrayed as kind, gentle beings, who possess beauty both inside and out. However, what these depictions often fail to show is that in the process of giving them that innocent, can’t-hurt-a-fly image, cartoonists resort to exaggerating some features.

A Buzzfeed post points out that Disney princesses often have too-large eyes that are unrealistic. On one level, these exaggerations reinforce their childlike quality, as children often do have large eyes for their tiny heads. However, they also provide the audience—mostly impressionable children—with unattainable goals to reach for, even subconsciously.

Check out these images of Disney princesses with normal eyes.

What's your opinion on these Disney princesses with anatomically-accurate eyes?


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